Our actions define us as a business partner


Many haulage contractors, bus companies and rental businesses have discovered the advantages of working with us. Not to mention the fact that numerous well-known vehicle manufacturers have chosen to leave their customer service in our hands.

We are proud to say that we have long-standing relationships with our customers and partners. We attribute that fact to always doing our very best to help our customer in the situation at hand.

If you are considering letting us offer you our services, but need to know a little more about us and the work we do, please contact us. We would be happy to have a chat and if you prefer, we can provide you with a reference statement.

The satisfaction of our customers is measurable in our growth. In 2016, EBS was awarded with the Gazelle growth prize by the Danish business newspaper Børsen, which, of course, made us very proud and happy, especially considering the fact that we have never ceased focusing on controlled growth to ensure sufficient resources to sustain our workflow.

European Breakdown Service ApS

European Breakdown Service Norway

European Breakdown Service ApS | Storegade 86 | DK-6100 Haderslev | CVR: DK33079753 | Tlf: +45 75 55 45 45 | Fax: +45 88 53 66 67 | E-mail: EBS@eubrse.com